Software Engineering
We specialize in full-lifecycle development of large scale, multi-tier solutions.
The sustaining element of Edaptive System’s growth has been our ability to provide software engineering solutions that are innovative, useful, dependable and on time.
The development work is powered by our use of mature Agile and RAD development processes and supported by our CMMI Level 4 rating and ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Edaptive Software Engineering
Fact Sheet
We have demonstrated our expertise in areas ranging from single desktop applications to complex multi-tiered applications. We have successfully used Agile in developing complex, large-scale enterprise level projects. We employ advanced data modeling techniques, life-cycle methodologies and testing procedures to produce top-notch products and to help you get your job done.
We are also adept at adapting our engineering practices to best support the Software Development Methodology our clients utilize, whether a standard Investment Life Cycle or an Expedited approach.
Agile Development
The Edaptive Team provides an incremental development approach where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams.
Edaptive Agile Methodology
Our Agile methodology promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery, and a time-boxed iterative approach that Scrums, while encouraging rapid and flexible response to change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle.
Our development methodology evolves to provide a framework to support the mission, and is constantly re-evaluated through retrospective lessons-learned meetings to incorporate efficiencies.
The team continuously refines the Definition of Done as it reevaluates processes and incorporates lessons learned.
The figure above depicts how we Scrum in our Agile systems development lifecycle (SDLC), moving from requirements all the way to deployment of a working product.
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 4:
CMMI® is a capability improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance.
An appraisal at maturity level 4 indicates that the organization is performing at a "quantitatively managed" level. At this level, the organization and projects establish quantitative
objectives for quality and process performance and use them as criteria in managing projects.
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Internationally recognized standard for Quality Management Systems.
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